Visit our page to see which specials and discounts we are offering. We will also announce upcoming events and presentations regarding your hearing health and the hearing aids we carry. To take advantage of the latest special offers available, schedule your appointment at our Marathon FL, Key West FL or Homestead FL office today.

Extraordinary hearing care for extraordinary people!
Welcome to Hear 4 U Audiology. Our Mission is to provide exceptional hearing health care to all individuals of South Florida, the Florida Keys. To work collaboratively with other community health care professionals to meet the health care needs of those we serve.
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Four trusted names. One unified commitment to improving your life!
Hear 4 U Audiology and other local medical practices have teamed together to create a trusted reliable network to take care of you and your loved ones. Whether it is hearing, vision, dental, or pet care, we are committed to providing you the excellent service that you deserve!
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